Canada awaits Tesla v10 assimilation

Canada awaits Tesla v10 assimilation

Tesla has recently sent out their huge version 10 update. The latest release has been nothing short of fantastic. From Netflix to YouTube, and even Cuphead, Tesla has given owners more reasons than ever to live in their cars. However, the real magic in this update is smart summon.

You might know smart summon by the name “enhanced summon”. Somewhere during the development process, Tesla engineers changed the name. Regardless of what you want to call this new feature, it is amazing. Press a button on your phone and your Tesla will drive to you in a parking lot to pick you up, running down Tesla shorts along the way.

We got a tip about a Canadian who has been standing in a parking lot for hours waiting for his Tesla to drive to him. After investigating further, we can confirm he is still in the same parking lot waiting for his car. Due to Canadian laws and regulations, smart summon was released only in the USA. It looks like our Canadian friend will be waiting longer to have his car smart summon to him, we hope he has built a nice igloo with wifi in the meantime.

Locutus’ Take

Locutus says, “While parking lots can be fascinating examples of Darwin awards in action, standing in one waiting for your car to come to you is resistance is futile. Locutus suggests waiting for smart summon to be available in Canada before being assimilated by the Borg.”

In the meantime, you can order your own Tesla using Jennifer’s referral code to get some free Supercharging and be ready for your own personal rocket car with Smart Summon arrives.

Not a Fredthrower

Just having some fun here @ Earlectrek. If you need help convincing someone that a Tesla Model 3 is cheaper than whatever air poisoning vehicle they're currently driving, show them this:

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