Elon Musk Shocked as Tesla Gets Caught Interacting with NHTSA

Elon Musk Shocked as Tesla Gets Caught Interacting with NHTSA

In a shocking turn of events, Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of Tesla, expressed his outrage today after learning that his company had been interacting with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

According to anonymous sources within Tesla, the company has been in regular communication with the NHTSA for years, providing updates on vehicle safety and addressing concerns raised by the agency.
However, when asked for comment on this revelation, Musk responded with disbelief, stating, “I had no idea that Tesla was interacting with these government agencies. This is a blatant violation of our privacy and independence as a company.”

The irony of Musk’s statement was not lost on Twitter users, many of whom were quick to point out that Tesla’s interactions with the NHTSA were not only legal and expected, but also necessary for ensuring the safety of Tesla’s vehicles and customers.

One user tweeted, “Breaking news: Elon Musk discovers that Tesla is required to comply with federal regulations. More at 11.”

Another user quipped, “Elon Musk is shocked to learn that government agencies exist and have the audacity to regulate the industries they oversee.”

Despite the backlash on social media, Musk remained defiant in his stance, insisting that Tesla would continue to fight against what he saw as government overreach.

As of now, it remains to be seen whether Musk’s outrage over Tesla’s interactions with the NHTSA will result in any significant changes to the company’s policies or procedures. But one thing is clear: when it comes to government regulations, even Elon Musk is not above the law.

Flynn Fredstone

Just a college kid helping Tesla accelerate its mission. Aiming to be a Tesla owner one day.